You've found it!
Maybe you're experiencing metabolic symptoms, such as weight gain, high cholesterol or high blood sugars?
Maybe you've been diagnosed with type 2 diabetes or heart disease?
Or, maybe you've tried the 'eat less, move more' advice without success, and you feel more frustrated than ever?
Good news. We're experts in low carb nutrition, and we're here to personally help you through your low carb keto journey.

Choose from our one-on-one individual consultation services
Low Carb Doctor consultations
Is low carb nutrition therapy right for you? How will it affect your health concerns? Is everything tracking ok? All these questions will be answered with a comprehensive metabolic health assessment by a medical doctor who will create a personal treatment plan and monitor your progress.
Low Carb Dietitian consultations
How can a Google search tell you how to nourish your body for your specific health history and goals? It can't, which is why our one-on-one dietitian consultations exist. You'll get personalised low carb or ketogenic nutrition advice aligned to your medical assessment and, your personal health goals.
Curious about how it all works?
As a new client to our clinic, we encourage you to get started with an Initial Doctor and Dietitian Consultation.
1. Pre-appoinntment questionnaire and investigations
At your first appointment, we like to get straight into a detailed consultation without any guesswork. That's why we ask you to complete some work prior to seeing us.
Pathology tests: You will receive a pathology request to have blood tests taken at a collection centre at least three days bvefore your first appointment. These blood tests provide essential information for the doctor to understand your biochemistry and current metabolic health.
Pre-appointment questionnaire: To help us fully understand your medical history, lifestyle factors and health goals.
2. Your initial doctor consultation (1-hour)
Time to get to know you and create a doctor-supervised plan.
Today, you can expect our doctor to perform a body composition assessment, review your blood results, discuss your current medications and information from your questionnaire. Your doctor will spend some time getting to know you, listenting to you and learning more about your future health, wellbeing and lifestyle goals. A shared plan will be created for the Low Carb Keto Health team so they can fully support you on your journey.
3. Your initial dietitian consultation
You will walk away from this appointment with knowledge and personalised nutrition strategies to support you in your low carb keto health journey.
Typically, you will see the dietitian immediately after you had your initial doctor consultation. Your dietitian will provide nutritional strategies based on the medical plan created by the doctor, including a personalised macronutrient profile. You'll receive information on how to get started on your low carb keto program and what to expect as your body adjusts.
4. Review appointments with your doctor
Once you have started on your personalised low carb keto health program, you'll attend a series of doctor review appointments.
These review appointments are an opportunity for your doctor to monitor your key health markers and see how you are progressing.
They are essential if you are on medication to manage a diagnosed health condition. The frequency of the appointments will depend on your circumstances and the type of health monitoring you require.
5. Review appointments with your dietitian
We will arange review appointments at week two, week four and then as agreed until you are comfortable and confident with your low carb keto health progress.
These review appointments are an opportunity for your dietitian to learn more about what is working for you with your low carb nutrition approach and, to understand any challenges you are experiencing. You'll explore any specific symptoms you're experiencing and your dietitian will share helpful tools, resources and meal / recipe ideas to support you as you continue your new lifestyle.
5. Monitoring and maintenance
Congratulations, this is your new lifestyle and it's now part of your daily routine. We will continue to monitor your progress and tweak your medical or nutritional plans as needed.
If required, we may recommend further blood analysis or other examinations along the way to help you manage your health conditions safely, without medication. We'll be sure to discuss this with you at your appointment

If you have questions about our approach or want to know if it could work for you, please get in touch. We're here to help.